Monday 17 December 2018

Species counts per 10km square

The map below shows the number of moth species records per 10km square in VC24 Bucks as at the end of 2017.  When compared to the situation at the beginning of 2016 (see previous post here) there are now seven squares containing records of more than 1,000 species and another four catching them up fast with more than 900.

In most of the squares which lie wholly within Bucks we should be able to get close to if not past the 1,000 species barrier, so while things have improved significantly over the past couple of years there's still some work to be done, particularly in the northern half of the county.  The 10km square SP82 is a bit of an embarrassment but in mitigation this is an area with very little going for it habitat-wise, being mostly sterile farmland with an almost complete absence of decent woodland.