Sunday, 8 January 2017

Species counts per 10km square

Slightly more than 1,600 moth species had been recorded in Bucks by the beginning of 2016.  They comprise just over 620 macro-moths, a figure thought to be a fair reflection of current and former residents of the county.  The balance of some 980 micro-moths might seem to be a respectable total but that figure is by no means complete as a browse through John Langmaid's species maps on the Moths Count website will reveal.  Hard work, particularly over the past decade, has improved the situation considerably but new micros continue to be added to the county list on a regular basis and there is still plenty of scope for many more to be found.  The map below gives species counts per 10km square for VC24, correct to the beginning of 2016. 

Further recording effort during the course of 2016 will have ensured that Bucks now has at least three 10km squares with 1,000+ moth species, with others getting very close to that milestone.  The two shown above include Bernwood Forest (SP61) and Burnham Beeches (SU98).